Project Nia

Project Nia is a nonprofit dedicated to ending youth incarceration through the use of restorative and transformative justice practices. They needed clear and evocative tools that would help grassroots activists make real change in their communities. We created a new identity that feels and sounds strong, energetic, and hopeful, and developed a fully functioning website, a suite of posters, brochures, pins, and t-shirts. The result is a powerful brand that fights for a better solution to the incarceration issue, and helps the organization punch above its weight.
The color palette exudes both warmth and strength, much like the rays emanating from the logomark. The new identity easily stands out in a crowd (and happens to look great on a button).
Working closely with the team’s content strategist, we built the new website from the ground up to turn the site into a hub for information, connection, and activism. It incorporated an archive for past projects, a center for educational tools, and an easily-updated blog to highlight what’s happening this minute.
The Transformative Justice brochure educated people on the importance of community-based responses to harm as well as highlighting the work of the organization.
These restorative question cards were a tool to aid in transformative justice dialogs. The cards were printed front and back so that those who had caused harm and those that were harmed could see the similarities in approach to language.
Social media triptychs give a quick fact about youth incarceration in American and reinforce who’s trying to make a difference.